Frinab Fristad Industri AB

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is designed to clarify the guidelines for conducting business at Frinab in an ethical, socially responsible, and environmentally conscious manner. These guidelines are intended to serve as an ethical compass in our daily work. Our Code of Conduct is based on the principles established within the framework of the United Nations Global Compact.

Human Rights
Frinab supports and respects international human rights.
2. Frinab is not complicit in any violations of human rights.

Labor Rights and Workplace Environment
Frinab upholds freedom of association and recognizes the right to collective bargaining. Frinab adheres to working hours regulations and the principle of a living wage.
4. All forms of forced labor are prohibited.
5. All forms of child labor are prohibited.
6. All forms of discrimination must be avoided in employment and/or professional practice. We strive to provide a safe and healthy work environment. This includes following all relevant safety regulations, using personal protective equipment where necessary, and immediately reporting hazards, accidents, or safety violations. We treat colleagues with respect and dignity.

Frinab supports the Precautionary Principle (Principle 15 of the 1992 Rio Declaration, Miljöbalken, 2 kap. 3 §) regarding environmental risks.
8. Frinab will undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
9. Frinab will encourage the development of environmentally friendly technologies.

10. Frinab is committed to work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. We follow strict business principles to ensure fairness and transparency in all our business transactions.

Suppliers and Partners
We expect our suppliers and partners to adhere to the same standards as we do. We:

  • Evaluate our suppliers based on their compliance with social, environmental, and ethical criteria.
  • Collaborate only with suppliers who do not violate human rights and provide safe working conditions for their employees.

We encourage all employees to report any violations of this code or other irregularities. This can be done anonymously, and no employee will face retaliation for reporting in good faith. We:

  • Have a clear process for handling and investigating complaints.
  • Take appropriate disciplinary action against those who violate this code.


Responsibility and Monitoring
All employees and stakeholders are responsible for understanding and following this code. We will regularly review and update the code to ensure it remains relevant and effective.